Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their employers NI. Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their (Secondary) Cla...
GL codes can be defined to include codes for the Company, Division, Department, Location and Element in any order using the GL Codes tab in Company Maintena...
Adding Messages To view payslips, you can either rightclick on the employee and select Employee Print > Payslips, or highlight the employee or company ...
The AEO’s tab is used to add in an ‘Attachment of Earnings Order‘ – generally court orders and child support payments. AEO’s are set up for each individual...
The ability to customise email subjects and messages when using email functionality in our software. These can be setup at company level by going into ‘Com...
When you setup an employee and specify the employees pay rate under the ‘Employee’ > ‘Employee Maintenance’ ‘Pay Rates’ tab, you can set whether the empl...
The Apprenticeship Levy is being introduced to help young people get into apprenticeship schemes. The money will go towards funding the education within ap...
Qtac Payroll software comes with a range of different payslips. The type of payslip can be changed for printing purposes. There are some based on classic f...
In this document we will look at changing pay frequencies. We will cover when it is best to change frequencies and also how to achieve this within the Qtac...
Benefits in Kind are benefits given to employees that are not a part of their normal salary or wage. The QTAC software will provide the ability to tax and ...