Setting up the software

Here you can find guides on the technical side of QTAC Payroll. From installing the software & update guides to details on username & passwords.

Default Username and Password
Qtac has a default password. Whilst we do encourage users to change their logins, if your operating system has adequate security provisions it may not be c...
Mamut Update Guide
Mamut payroll software is regularly being improved with new features and compliance updates. To make sure your software is always performing at its best yo...
Qtac Update Guide
Qtac software is regularly being improved with new features and to ensure it remains compliant with changes in the UK’s employment law. To ensure your s...
Qtac Software: Installation
This guide will walk you through the install process of the Qtac software. Firstly, you will need to download the software which you can find below or on t...
Qtax Pro Update Guide
Below is a walk though to aid you through the process of updating the Qtax Pro software. To ensure your software is always performing to its best you shoul...
QTAC Solutions Limited Licence Agreement
This is a legal agreement between you, the person named overleaf and us, QTAC Solutions Limited.  By loading or storing or using the software enclosed with ...
Finding and Navigating the Qtac directory
When the Qtac payroll software is installed a number of folders are automatically created.   The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\QTAC\QTACnnnn ...